Bamboo Socks by Thought

Need some last-minute Christmas gift inspiration? Why not head to Thought and buy some bamboo socks? Thought (formerly known as Braintree) are a UK ethical brand to be proud of. This December they've committed to donating a pair of socks to charity for every pair bought. Thought are conscious of the fabrics they use, preferring natural, organic and recycled materials - which is great because it means their products decompose naturally once we're done with them.
I exclusively buy Thought's bamboo socks because they're great quality.



Christmas wrapping is a great opportunity to exercise those sustainable muscles. Use recycled paper, avoid tape (which is plastic) and opt for twine or string instead, and keep the paper from gifts you receive to repurpose later. And what's the most sustainable way to wrap? Don't wrap at all! Play postman and hand deliver your gifts.

Bethan Uitterdijk